Saturday, May 12, 2012

7. Log Cabin Ain't Just Maple Syrup Anymore

  President Obama just recently endorsed gay marriage. This is a very interesting political move, as it is guaranteed to alienate a large portion of American voters.


  So it was with great interest that I watched the interview on CNN of  R. Clarke Cooper, an Eagle Scout, Army combat veteran, and former diplomat, who was elected Executive Director of the Log Cabin Republicans in 2010. He is a very well spoken fellow and obviously very bright. I wasn't really prepared for this. Being east coast, left-wing, pointy-headed, elitist, homo loving liberal scum, I, of course, expected that this guy would be some kind of moron. Just in case you've never heard of Log Cabin Republicans, they are members of the LGTB ( lesbian, gay, transgender, bisexual) community who are Republicans...a seeming self-contradiction.


We have all seen the 400-pound restaurant patron order the triple bacon bleu cheese burger, a double order of fries with a side of lard, and a Diet Coke. Meat eating vegetarians, Christian abortion clinic bombers, etc. So contradiction is nothing new.

                                                                   But.... LGBT Republicans?    Really?


  I decided to investigate, and went to the Log Cabin Republican website and was surprised. From their website:

"... Opposing gay and lesbian equality is inconsistent with the GOP's core principles of smaller government and personal freedom...Working from inside the Party—educating other Republicans about gay and lesbian issues—is the most effective way to gain new Republican allies for equality."

  I'm not saying that I totally agree with the tactic, but you've got to respect the attempt. There have been many other impossible dreams. 

Busy Friday Night?

So hats off to the Log Cabin Republicans. Theirs is not an easy row to hoe. Hoe rowers everywhere should salute them and make sure in doing so that their shoes match their accessories, because OMGYG2BK. Don't tell me you're wearing those storm trooper boots with that Uncle Sam hat. Get a full-length mirror and your eyes checked, girlfriend, because that's got me SIS and  SHID.

OMGYG2BK: Oh my God, you got to be kidding.
SIS:  Snickering in silence
SHID: Slapping my head in disgust.