Or, if you hate the French, as any student of world history should, you may prefer this Irish proverb: "The Fox never found a better messenger than himself."
The Fox in this case is Fox News, sometimes referred to as Faux news.
It's not that so much of what appears on Fox is "barnyard residue", it's that it calls itself "fair and balanced". Fox is as balanced as a one legged epileptic alcoholic doing a jig on the top of a moving stagecoach hurtling across prairie dog territory.
If you are a Foxaholic, you have already tuned out. It's probably better for all of us if you do. But if you did, you might miss the following little gem.
I have been reading a book called "Left Turn... How Liberal Media Bias Distorts the American Mind", by Tim Groseclose. He says, "In at least one important way, journalists are very different from the rest of us- they are more liberal. For instance, according to surveys, in a typical presidential election, Washington correspondents vote about 93-7 for the Democrat, while the rest of America votes about 50-50. What happens when our view of the world is filtered through the eyes, ears and minds of such a liberal group"?
He then builds the case that...Oh well, if you haven't figured it out already, here's a visual aid.
Liberal Journalist |
I can certainly see why if you are right wing neo-con Republican tin foil hat wearing teabagging troglodyte, you might feel this way. If you watch CNN, for instance, you can regularly see that the moderators of panel discussions really do have a liberal bias, and they will badger conservatives to the point where the hapless victims starts babbling incoherently. Locally, the Tampa Bay Times (Pravda by the Bay) will never hesitate to run the most unflattering photographs they can find of any Republican. They were merciless with George W. Bush and would always choose a photograph that made him look like a simpleton.
I met a Pie Man going to the fair |
In the recent Republican Primary race, they were even worse.
These are actual Tampa Bay Times file photos below:
Michele Bachmann |
Herman Cain |
Rick Perry |
It IS only fair, considering the liberal media bias that those on the other side of the political fence deserve to have their viewpoints told to them.... I meant... represented. And that's where Fox comes in.
So I'm wondering how long it will take for FOX News to be declared "dead" due to their extreme right views; so extreme that no one who is interested in any serious news watches? MSNBC is dead. So says Microsoft, who will, quite sensibly I might add, parting company with NBC News and removing the "MS" from the name.
Good luck to Matthews, Maddow, Shultz, and Sharpton~ a compact car full of clowns if I've ever seen one.